Billing and Insurance
Our staff is here to help answer any questions you may have about your insurance coverage. If you are not insured, we can assist you in determining the cost of your test, discussing financing options and more.
Our staff is here to help answer any questions you may have about your insurance coverage. If you are not insured, we can assist you in determining the cost of your test, discussing financing options and more.
Aetna –Assurant, Allied Benefit, First Health, GEHA, Liberty, Meritain, Nippon, Trustmark (CoreSource, Starmark), Wellnet, Coventry Workers Comp through Signature Administrators: EXCLUDING M/C Prime, Better Health
America’s Health Plan (Intergroup)
AmeriHealth (PPO, Personal Choice, Trad, HMO, 65, POS, Value Network) all thru Value or Regional Preferred
Blue Cross/Blue Shield: ALL BC/BS, ANTHEM, BRAVEN, EMPIRE NY EXCLUDING Pathway & Pathway Advanced, HORIZON
IBEW (Joint Welfare fund) Local 164 (Healthcare Payers Coalition, only @private office)
Champ VA
Cigna – Open Access, Starmark, Allegiance, (Beech Street – only #’s starting with “R” NOT S/S number)
Coventry Health through QualCare and Aetna use Aetna
Emblem Health/GHI QualCare)
Evolution (previously Guardian)
Focus (InterGroup)
GHI/Emblem (only through QualCare), otherwise pre-cert department or patient can check out-of-network benefits
Greatwest (now part of Cigna)
Healthnet (Military Services)
Humana (QualCare)
IDA (Insurance Design Administrators) (through InterGroup & Cigna)
InterGroup Services -Select and Preferred (PPO network) Focus, IDA (Insurance Design Administrators), Multiplan
MVP (Cigna)
Integrity Health
Medicare Secure Horizons (United)
Multiplan (InterGroup, Prime and Core Choice)
Omnia TIER 1 (Horizon BCBS)
Oxford Health Plans– Garden State, Metro Network
Optum (Procura) / Workers Comp. ONLY
QualCare (PPO, HMO, POS, Open Access, Workers Comp)
SPREEMO/ Workers’ Comp., The Hartford, Walmart, NYSIF, Macys & many others
TRPN – Three Rivers Provider Network
United Healthcare – Allsavers, AARP, Core, Compass, Freedom, Golden Rule now Health One, Liberty, Secure Horizons, UMR, EXCLUDING Community Plan, Americhoice, Evercare M/C, Focus
UMR – United
US Family Health Plan
VA Choice Program – Healthnet Federal Services
Value Network (AmeriHealth)
1199 if par with plan (above plans)